All posts tagged: omega 3

News:, Cooking and Nutritional Workshop – Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health

  Welcome to part 2 in our “Myths and Truths” series!   Last time we dove in to sugar – this time we are diving in to “Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health”. How exciting! We are actually totally stoked to be hosting this workshop on this very subject – first of all as there is of course so much Yummy, Fun and Healthy Food to be cooked within this theme. Secondly as we love to give these workshops and meet all of you. Thirdly because if there is any section within nutrition that has been swinging up and down, back and forth when it comes to trends and myths the past 30 years – Fat/s is the true winner. Science and research wise, it has been a true trip of discovery in to the nature of our digestive system and metabolism next to the tremendous effect and importance to our health. So, we will learn all there is to learn about Fat/s and Your Health in this workshop. We will cook some …

Salmon, on a bed of asparagus

It does not get a lot easier than this! Make a small portion for an entrée, or a larger portion for a main course. Filled to the brim with heart healthy Omega 3 fats, stacked with fibres, B vitamins, anti oxidants,quick, easy to make and yummy to taste all all words suited for this dish. Let´s get on with it! Ingredients for 4 people (entrée size); 600 gr of smoked or gravad salmon, in thin slices 300 gr fresh, green asparagus 75 gr parmesan cheese – if you are lactose intolerant , leave the parmesan out and substitute with roasted pine nuts fresh dill coarse black pepper lemon Allow the asparagus to boil in lightly salted water for about 3-4 minutes. Drape the salmon over the asparagus, squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice atop, add some freshly grated parmesan or roasted pine nuts, dress with the dill and black pepper. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Soup with ginger and leek

Yes it is January, and yes, Halloween is very far away. But, we still have pumpking lying around in the veggiebowl and it´s still good. So if you are in the same situation as us, don´t let it sit around much longer – try this easy, yummy, slightly spicy and of course very healthy soup! The reciepe is for 2 people. Ingredients 1 small pumpkin 2 cloves of fresh garlic, finely chopped a piece of fresh ginger, about thumbsize soy or oat milk or cream vegetable bouillon salt ´n pepper honey 1 thin leek, sliced in tiny little rings Here we go; Clean the pumpkin, slice it in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pumpkin in slices, peeling it as well if you´d like (it´s not necessary if you have given it a good scrub). Then you take the slices and cut these into small pieces. Peel and grate the ginger. Put the pumpkin, the ginger, the finely chopped garlic, bouillon and a pinch of salt in the pan. Add the soy or oat …

Tunasalad, with kidneybeans

If you are in a hurry, or just not up for cooking a lot, you are hungry, you want something tasty, healthy and you still want to make sure you either don´t ruin that workout you just had or have just exhausted yourself in front of your agenda planning all the workouts in for the coming weeks and months – here´s a quick, easy, yummy and “making sure you get all the good fats, healthy proteins, great antioxidants, fibre, minerals, vitamins you need” meal. Great for lunch and/or dinner! Even fits great for a lunchbox, or an evening on the boardwalk with your feet dangling over the water while you watch the seagulls doing their dance. Recipe for 1 person: Ingredients: 1 stalk of celery, including the leaves 1 dl sugar snaps 0,5 yellow or red capsicum 1 can of tuna in oil/brine 1 dl red kidney beans, cooked or canned 1 boiled egg 0,5 avocado Fresh basil A few pfefferoni´s 1 tbspn balsamic vinegar 2 tbspn olive oil A pinch of sea salt A …

Green beans marinated in tahini

This recipe is surprisingly yummy I must say. When I first came across it I thought ;” how can something so easy to cook really be good? “ Well, less than 10 minutes later I had to laugh out loud at myself as it was yummylicious! Hubby and I had this side dish with grilled tuna the first time, and today I had it with marinated spicy tofu from the supermarket. You can have it with any of your favorite protein , and it is a great dish for on buffets as well as it is just as yummy cold as slightly warm. Aside from being totally delish, green beans are filled with fibre, folate, Vitamin K as well as carotenoids – giving us endurance, loads of anti oxidants and a well working intestinal flora, and who doesn´t want to feel great, have luminous skin and enough number 2´s daily!?! Tahini, next to the olive oil in this recipe, supplies us with heart healthy fats and is filling as well. Add the garlic to that …

Stir fried pear and aubergine – a great side dish

This is something I never would have thought about trying to mix myself, so when I saw this recipe in one of the monthly AH Allerhande magazines I was intrigued and had to try it. Yummy it was, so hereby I of course have to share it with you all! And yes, it also had to meet the criteria of healthy for me to share it – so , don´t worry, get cooking! The recipe is originally for 4 persons as a side dish. Ingredients: 2 tbspns sesame seeds 1 aubergine 4 tbspns olive oil 0,5 tspn cinnamon 1 tspn cuminseed, pulverized 2 conference pears 1 lemon, brushed clean 1) start with roasting the seasame seeds in a dry frying pan on medium heat. Let them sit to cool off on a plate. 2)Cut the aubergine in approximately 1 cm small cubes. Heat the oil in a wok and stir fry the aubergine together with the cinnamon and the cumin seeds for about 6 minutes. 3) Cut the pears in quarters, remove the seeds and …

Blueberry & Tomatoe Salsa

This might sound like a really crazy title, and so be it… It was one of the first “healthy” recipe´s I ever tried to make, so once you´ve seen how extremely easy this is you all understand how much I had never been in to cooking before I got on this journey 🙂 . That day it was one of the side dishes of the first BBQ we hosted on our roof terrace here in Haarlem. Well, that was almost 6 years ago and I still love making this one as part of more yummy salsas, salads and other small side dishes next to either a BBQ or just next to ovenbaked fish or even grilled tofu. Last year we even had this yummy salsa as part of the Christmas buffet! Ingredients are: 1,5 dl of blueberries 4 tomatoes 2 tbspns rougly chopped basil 2 tbspns olive oil All you do is rinse the bluberries and the tomatoes under the tap. Then you cut the tomatoes in halves and remove the “pits” (am not sure if …

Grilled fish

Ok, here is a dead easy way to cook any fish filet and eat together with any of your favourite side dishes or any of the other side dishes you find on this blog. Or why not just grill some of your favourite veg next to the fish? Quick, easy, yummy, healthy! 4 pieces of fish filets 1 tbspn cooking oil – olive, avocado, rapeseed, sesame or any other favourite you have Salt & pepper Rub oil, salt and pepper into the fish and grill on high heat for about 3 minutes on each side. Enjoy!

Easy, healthy and gluten free muesli

I am not even sure whether to call this a recipe or not, as it is so, so easy. It is a great substitute for your breakfast cereal, it is gluten free, full of good & healthy stuff like Omega 3 fats, calcium, fibre, iron, selenium, fosfor, magnesium, Vitamins A, B, C, E & K to mention a few. And of course, it is yummy to eat, fast and easy to make. All you do is stir the following together: 3 dl pumpkin seeds 3 dl sunflower seeds 3 dl chopped hazelnuts 3 dl chopped pecannuts 3 dl crushed flaxseed and if you´d like, add some teaspoons of cinnamon. I had a few tablespoons of this mix with berries and quark this morning. If you are lactose intolerant, you can go for goat quark and if you are vegan try it with soy yoghurt or any milk substitute of your choice.

Better than ice cream :-)

Riita is one of the most inspiring people I have met when it comes to having to change your lifestyle and nutritional patterns. Whenever she has the slightest set back, she steps back, look at what happenend and how she can use that knowledge learned for the future and make adjustments from there. She makes my life as her nutritonal coach really fun! Here she shares one of her own yummy, healthy and best ever supplements for ice cream for these hot summery days. Enjoy, and do let us know what you think! 2 boxes of frozen strawberries (AH size is around 225gr per box) 2.5dl soya yoghurt Handful of nuts (I had pecan and walnuts) Few dl of almond milk Put them all in the mixer and mix it so that it will be this thick strawberry “ice cream” type of slush. Really nice and I found it better than ice cream  I didn’t have fresh munt but I think it would do nice addition. (beautiful pink lush)