Month: June 2015

Healthy pancakes, yeah!

Another favourite in cyber space, which has totally become both a hit and a favourite in the household here. We´ve had a lot of visitors the past year since we moved up to Sweden. With us now living quite a way away from the supermarket it means our guests have kind of had to eat whatever this gluten allergic nutritionist whips up for herself every morning. Thank G – or thank Cyberspace – for these pancakes is the word I have gotten from basically all of them this past winter ;-).So I guess it is time to share my own pimped version of what was initially called the “2 ingredient pancake” :-), with thanks to all our dear friends who keep popping by with SAS and SJ; Ingredients (per person); 1 banana 2 eggs cinnamon baking soda (if you´d like, leaving it out is fine too and does not affect the taste) 1 tbsp buckwheat flakes or kernels 1 tbspn oat flakes 1 teaspoon each of all superfood berries and seeds you have in the …

Swedish/ 1 msk Plantago Psyllium, 50 koppar inspiration

Motvilligt öppnade hon köksdörren. Den gnisslade mer än vanligt, som om den också protesterade med. Försöktigt steg hon in i köket, ”som Mojje Mockasin” kom hon på sig själv att tänka. Solen sken in genom de höga fönstren, lite disigt ljus genom smutsiga rutor. Där, till höger om den gamla knarrande kylen, hängde det rosablommiga förklädet hennes mormor och senare hennes mor alltid använt vid bak, stek, disk och till och med grill dags. Med darrande händer knöt hon det runt sin mijda, slätade ut det med båda händerna innan hon formade sitt bångstyriga hår till nån slags hästsvans. ” Hår i maten är lika illa som en fluga i soppan” hörde hon mormor Valty’s röst så klar i bakhuvudet att hon snurrade runt för att möta leendet och rynkorna som hörde till rösten, bara för att inse att det inte var något annat än den gamla hederliga köksväggen bakom henne. Drömmande tog hon tag i handväskan, letande efter receptet Johanna hade skickat förra veckan. Receptet till hennes bästa väninnas favoritbröd, som hon lovat att …

Detox your mind

Detox is a word which has become almost as common as the word “Iphone” in our every day lingo. Even though we might not know all the exact down-to-the-nano-particle-of-certain-molecules-or-cells-details-and-functions of neither the word “Detox” nor the word “Iphone” , we are all aware that both words are necessary for our survival ( 😉 ). Or at least we know that one is – the other we most likely feel like it would be pretty difficult to survive without. Well aware of the fact that Detoxification is the process in our bodies which rids our system of toxins we have become more and more picky about what we put in our mouths, on our skin, the quality of the air which we breathe in and more. But what about the things we let in to our minds through the gateways of our senses? And what about the stuff that comes out of our mouths as we speak? Is the music you are playing, the books, magazines and blogs you are reading, the movies you are watching, …

Blissing out on figs

I know Instagram is flooded with pictures and recipes for “bliss balls”, but I just loooooovelovelove the word and have to admit that I have gotten pretty hooked on these truly blissfull, healthy, yummy and just wonderful little circular bullets of pure joy. Bliss balls , simply! So, here is a recipe so easy it is impossible to fail, so quick there is no way you can run to the store and get a Snickers even if the store is 10 meters away in the amount of time it takes to make these, so yummy you might consider to quit chocolate (I said “might” OK 😉 ) and so healthy you will be doing yourself nothing but good. Ready? Ingredients; 200 gr dried figs 2 tbspns coconut oil 1 dl rolled oats 2 tbspns honey Nuts Mix it all together using whatever mixer you have in house. I used a hand held mixer/blender and found it worked better if I chopped the figs in smaller pieces before starting to mix. Roll in to the shape …