All posts tagged: inspiration

Swedish/ 1 msk Plantago Psyllium, 50 koppar inspiration

Motvilligt öppnade hon köksdörren. Den gnisslade mer än vanligt, som om den också protesterade med. Försöktigt steg hon in i köket, ”som Mojje Mockasin” kom hon på sig själv att tänka. Solen sken in genom de höga fönstren, lite disigt ljus genom smutsiga rutor. Där, till höger om den gamla knarrande kylen, hängde det rosablommiga förklädet hennes mormor och senare hennes mor alltid använt vid bak, stek, disk och till och med grill dags. Med darrande händer knöt hon det runt sin mijda, slätade ut det med båda händerna innan hon formade sitt bångstyriga hår till nån slags hästsvans. ” Hår i maten är lika illa som en fluga i soppan” hörde hon mormor Valty’s röst så klar i bakhuvudet att hon snurrade runt för att möta leendet och rynkorna som hörde till rösten, bara för att inse att det inte var något annat än den gamla hederliga köksväggen bakom henne. Drömmande tog hon tag i handväskan, letande efter receptet Johanna hade skickat förra veckan. Receptet till hennes bästa väninnas favoritbröd, som hon lovat att …

Detox your mind

Detox is a word which has become almost as common as the word “Iphone” in our every day lingo. Even though we might not know all the exact down-to-the-nano-particle-of-certain-molecules-or-cells-details-and-functions of neither the word “Detox” nor the word “Iphone” , we are all aware that both words are necessary for our survival ( 😉 ). Or at least we know that one is – the other we most likely feel like it would be pretty difficult to survive without. Well aware of the fact that Detoxification is the process in our bodies which rids our system of toxins we have become more and more picky about what we put in our mouths, on our skin, the quality of the air which we breathe in and more. But what about the things we let in to our minds through the gateways of our senses? And what about the stuff that comes out of our mouths as we speak? Is the music you are playing, the books, magazines and blogs you are reading, the movies you are watching, …

Banana & Carrot Muffins

I know, I know – it has been ages since my last post…. But that does not mean the inspiration was gone, it was just life that kind of “took over”. Now with spring and long days, evenings and even nights as the sun now sets around 23.45 up here and is back up again around 04.00 there is plenty of energy and time to try new recipes. Yesterday evening I baked these gluten, dairy and sugar free muffins – filled to the brim with awesome anti oxidants like carotenoids, with potassium, fiber, heart healthy fats, vitamin D, healing spices, vital-for-bone-muscle-and-brain-vitamins-and-minerals, packed with vitamin A and protein. Aside from that long list of good reasons to try these, they were yummy! Only took 5 minutes to whip together and then 20 – 25 minutes in the oven – so, lack of time does not justify as a reason to not try! Ingredients; 3 finely grated carrots (medium size) 3 eggs 2 dl almond flour 2 tspns baking powder 0,5 tspn sea salt 1 tbspn cinnamon …


Spring is officially upon us and before we rejoice in all the energy the sun brings us, before we feel it rushing through our bodies and minds filling us with a tremendous intensity of inspiration and motivation, there is always that time of transitioning in to spring from winter. Yes, we do tend to forget that. Every year anew we find ourselves sitting there wondering why we are overcome with fatigue and sluggishness, feeling slightly chilly, eyes watering, itchy nose, wrapped in a huge blanket while turning our cheeks to face the sunlight with a craving for that fluttering spring energy to just kick start itself. Spring, the season of the element Wood, the season of the Liver, the Gallbladder, of Green. The season when the body wakes up again to take in the beauty of life as it re invents itself right before our very eyes. Being the language nerd I am have for a long time been fascinated with the origin and meaning of words in relation to what they can really tell …

Strong Winter

Winter. Water. Cold. Yin. Kidneys. Hibernation. Recuperation. Rest. Movement. Stamina. Plenty of words to describe the season and element we are in. I just read in a centuries old “Farmers Wisdom Calendar” that if the old year freezes together with the new year it will be strong winter. A strong winter. What does that mean actually? A lot of us might shrug and think “uh, that means a long, cold, winter with frozen hands, feet and nose”. Other’s might think “yeah, that means a long, crisp, ice and snow clad couple of months ahead with loads of fresh air enjoy ice skating, skiing and sledding with the kids down the slopes”. I would like to think of it as simply “strong winter”. Winter – with all it’s cold, ice, rain or snow, biting winds, somewhat darker days and longer evenings, with me feeling strong. Strong winter. The planet needs this season to be cold, to be “real” to be in balance here in the Northern Hemisphere. We are not separate from the planet. So, how …


Our Writer’s Circle still has it’s seat in The Hague, but with quite some of us – myself included since a month and a half – living in other countries we take part in the montly speed writing sessions by writing wherever we are on the chosen subject and then we all share with each other online for the one’s who are not physicaly in Den Haag. Yesterday’s subject for the 10 minute speed writing session was “Flight”. Here I am sharing my piece; Flight I want to take flight. Feel the wind beneath my wings, letting my heart soar up to the heavens. From up there I will be with you again. All of you whom I carry in my heart. All of you whom have moved my heart and inspiration to flutter. Flutter like the wings of a butterfly, reborn to her true purpose in a new shade. Flutter like the wings of a songbird, the wings of a bat, the wings of a pterodactyl even. You have taken me to ancient times, …


Why is it that some people connect straight to your heart, while others remain outside or at least in the periphery of your life? Why is it that when you feel welcome, taken in, truly invited, you feel a sense of instant belonging? How is it that you can spend years with some people and just stay acquaintances, while spending hours, days or a few weeks with others you feel like the greatest of friends in an instant? Is it because we have learned to count time instead of connection? Is it because we keep our heads down and our hearts closed? Is that why we get so surprised when one hugely open heart and pair of arms welcome you in and we find not just one new friend but a whole new family of friends? Because we did not think that possible any more? Then surprise swells over in joy, joy in inspiration, inspiration in warmth – and somewhere lingering in there also the seed of how hard it will be to leave this …