Month: August 2012

Runner’s shake

Sometimes, or actually if I am totally honest, most of the time, I very spontaneously jump into things and projects without real consideration, just because they sound fun, positive, challenging and / or are really helping somebody else out. Signing me and my husband up to run the 16 km Dam tot Dam race for Dutch Charity War Child this coming September is one of those…. Now, we are only 5 weeks away from that race and whatever the training schedule dictates for that very day we just have to do. Friday was one of those days, with 30 plus centigrade degrees outside, a physiotherapy appointment scheduled in the early afternoon which prevented a cooler evening run, and the schedule said 12 km… I had a very good pre running breakfast – porridge with oats, apple, gojjiberries and soy milk plus 2 boiled eggs – and waited 2 hours before the run. Once I got back from the run, during which I downed a whole litre of water, I was extremely hungry and hoooooooooooooooooooooooot from …

Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teachers, by Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D

                    I came across the document copied below on the Facebook side of Traditional Yoga Studies, of Georg and Brenda Feuerstein,  and thought it an important one to share, for my students as well as any one else out there teaching yoga; “As an integrated way of life, Yoga includes moral standards (traditionally called “virtues”) that any reasonable human being would find in principle acceptable. Some of these standards, known in Sanskrit as yamas or “disciplines,” are encoded in the first limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path. According to Patanjali’s Yoga-Sûtra, this practice category is composed of the following five virtues: nonharming (ahimsâ ), truthfulness (satya), nonstealing (asteya), chastity (brahmacarya), and greedlessness (aparigraha). In other key scriptures of Yoga, further moral principles are mentioned, including kindness, compassion, generosity, patience, helpfulness, forgiveness, purity, and so on. All these are virtues that we connect with a “good” character and that are demonstrated to a superlative degree in the lives of the great masters of Yoga. Thus, it seems appropriate for …

The Strawberry Smoothie that fills you up

This Strawberry smoothie you can have either for breakfast those days you are in a real hurry, as your morning or afternoon snack, after your workout or whenever you choose – either way it is guaranteed to fill you up and it’s packed with both vitamins, antioxidants and protein. 1 portion Ingredients; 400 g Silk tofu 30 frozen strawberries Run the tofu and the strawberries in the mixer until it is a smooth mix. Drink and enjoy!