All posts tagged: workshop

News:, Cooking and Nutritional Workshop – Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health

  Welcome to part 2 in our “Myths and Truths” series!   Last time we dove in to sugar – this time we are diving in to “Myths and Truths about Fat/s and Your Health”. How exciting! We are actually totally stoked to be hosting this workshop on this very subject – first of all as there is of course so much Yummy, Fun and Healthy Food to be cooked within this theme. Secondly as we love to give these workshops and meet all of you. Thirdly because if there is any section within nutrition that has been swinging up and down, back and forth when it comes to trends and myths the past 30 years – Fat/s is the true winner. Science and research wise, it has been a true trip of discovery in to the nature of our digestive system and metabolism next to the tremendous effect and importance to our health. So, we will learn all there is to learn about Fat/s and Your Health in this workshop. We will cook some …

Workshop Yoga & Nutrition – Sweet Surrender

Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede Sunday 13/12 , 13.00 – 16.30 Mid December, and we find ourselves halfway towards Christmas – most likely already clogged up by great-fun-but-maybe-not-so-great-for-our-overall-health “kerst-borrels”, Christmas get-togethers in the shape of brunches, lunches, dinners and more next to stress building up for the holidays. The feeling of neither having enough time nor energy to fill up our energy-reserves with closing off the old year, planning the new year and fitting Christmas celebrations in between those two up ahead quite often leaves us feeling overwhelmed. There is no better occasion or reason than this to take a small time out, to step on the yoga mat, surrender to what your body and mind truly needs to charge, to re set and to step in to the light which the holiday season actually truly does bring! In this workshop with the theme “Sweet Surrender” we will be guided to approach all the practices of yoga (meditation, breath, postures, relaxation) with openness. We will explore what it means to completely surrender the …

Detox your mind

Detox is a word which has become almost as common as the word “Iphone” in our every day lingo. Even though we might not know all the exact down-to-the-nano-particle-of-certain-molecules-or-cells-details-and-functions of neither the word “Detox” nor the word “Iphone” , we are all aware that both words are necessary for our survival ( 😉 ). Or at least we know that one is – the other we most likely feel like it would be pretty difficult to survive without. Well aware of the fact that Detoxification is the process in our bodies which rids our system of toxins we have become more and more picky about what we put in our mouths, on our skin, the quality of the air which we breathe in and more. But what about the things we let in to our minds through the gateways of our senses? And what about the stuff that comes out of our mouths as we speak? Is the music you are playing, the books, magazines and blogs you are reading, the movies you are watching, …

News: Vijnana Yoga Workshop, Östersund, 22/11 2014

I denna, den första Vijnana Yoga workshopen någonsin i Sverige, kommer vi att fokusera på de två första av de “Seven Vital Principles Of Vijnana Yoga” – vilka är “Relaxing The Body”/ Låta kroppen slappna av och “Quieting The Mind”/ Stilla sinnet. En avslappnad kropp och ett stilla sinne innebär inte, som texten kanske kan låta, att vi är helt “slappa” utom snarare tvärtom – att vi hittar det stället där de delar av kroppen och sinnet som behöver vara aktiva och alerta är det och att de delar som inte behöver vara aktiva och alerta just nu “vilar”. Det är vårat egentliga naturliga tillstånd, vilket vi ofta leds bort från både genom våra egna tankar, planer och listor och stimulans och stress utifrån. I denna 3 timmar workshop kommer vi att utforska dessa två principer i sittande/meditation, pranayama/andningsövningar, yoga asanas/ yoga hållningar och i savasana/liggande avslappning. Vi kommer även att behandla en liten del filosofi, lite vetenskap om hjärnan och fysiologi och alla frågor och kommentarer är välkomna. Workshopen är öppen för alla nivåer. …

News / Workshop Vijnana Yoga, January 19th at Eva´z

Sunday 19th of Jan, 14.00 – 17.00, theme : Connecting Eva´z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede Price : 35 euro pp In this workshop we will work on the principle of Connecting throughout the asana´s, the pranayama, in the mediation and even in savasana/the relaxation. Through Connecting we move as one body, we collect all the fragments together and focus through one mind, we breathe aligning the pranic body with the physical body in unison. In the sitting/meditation Connecting puts us on the path towards Oneness whether we are looking for the authentic yoga/union or “just” more peace of mind, enhanced wellbeing and the flow of creativity. We will work both with the western approach to anatomy and physiology in line with the eastern approach to the movement of energy throughout the body – to experience and discover the Connection between the two as well as being able to work with whichever approach fits you the best. Whether you are relatively new to yoga or have been on this part for quite some time …

News / Yoga Workshop – “Sacred Feet, Sacred Earth”

Where? @ Eva’z, Heemstede When? Saturday November 16th , 14.00 – 17.00 How much? 35 euro’s What? In this workshop we will re-connect with the natural rythm of our own body, mind, nature and the earth through focusing on and working with the principle of rooting in the asana’s/the postures, the pranayama / the breathing exercises as well as in the meditation. And of course we will enjoy a heavenly relaxation/savasana at the end of the practice. Kind of like a re-set button for your whole system! By bringing ourselves back in balance we automatically offer the world around us and under our feet balance too – it’s no more difficult than that! The workshop is for all levels of yogi’s. Welcome on the 16th!

News / Vijnana Yoga Workshop in Haarlem, Nov 3rd

Vijnana Yoga – “ oefenen, voelen, begrijpen – van binnenuit” * (Orit Sen-Gupta, oprichter Vijnana Yoga, Vijnana Yoga Practice Manual) Vijnana – de daad van waarnemen of onderscheiden, begrijpen, herkennen; intelligentie, kennis, vaardigheid, kunst, wetenschap (Monier Williams Sanskrit- English Dictionary). In deze workshop maken wij kennis met Vijnana Yoga, met het oefenen van binnenuit tijdens het zitten/mediteeren, de pranayama/ademhaling , in de flow van de asana´s / de houdingen en in savasana / de ontspanning. Wij gaan op zoek naar ons innerlijke rust en kracht, om ons eigen unieke rythme te her-ontedekken i.p.v wat wij de meeste tijd van ons leven doen ; ons aanpassen aan de rythme van iemand anders – zoals kinderen, partner, baas, de file, ouders, diegene die voor of achter ons staan in de rij bij AH en er zijn zeker tallooze meer dingen & mensen om ons heen waar wij ons mee laten slepen. Pas als wij terug zijn bij ons eigen rythme kunnen wij in ons eigen kracht staan en ons eigen pad volgen, synchroom met alles wat om …

News: Yoga Workshop June 8th, Rooting & Connecting

The theme of this Vijnana Yoga workshop are 2 of the 7 principles from Vijnana Yoga; Rooting and Connecting. By learning to incorporate and use these principles on our yoga mat, we can easily translate them across to, and use them in, our life and situations “off the mat”. Through the principle of Rooting we are firm and steady with both feet on the ground, no matter where the wind blows. From that place of Rooting we Connect to our own source, our own core which builds up  and radiaties out your own strength and power unique to your self so that you can be a beacon of glowing light in your life. Villa 533, Vijfhuizen for more information to sign up Welcome!

News: Workshop Re energizing foods

After the success of the first two workshops under the flag of “Yummy, fun and healthy living”, which were titled “yummy, energizing & healthy snacks” and “easy, healthy lunches for all occasions and situations” , it is now time to enter the “spring clean” under the theme Re energizing foods. This time of the year we usually feel sluggish, tired, even worn out . Which is why in this workshop we will focus on cooking, tasting and learning loads about foods which removes that very sluggishness from our whole system – from the body, the brain and the mind. These are the same foods that will give you your energy back and re build your stamina so that you can greet that summer full of energy, and make sure that energy lasts into the rest of the year too. Plus, as usual in these workshops, you will get your own booklet with all the reciepes and all the nutritional knowledge collected during the workshop – and there is also the “goodie-bag”. And, did I forget …

News: Yoga Workshop for Charity, Arunachala Animal Sanctuary

Sunday May 5th, 10.00 – 13.00 @ Yogastudio Haarlem, 25 :- we are happy to announce the first of more to come Yoga Workshops where all the proceeds go to support the work the dedicated staff at Arunachala Animal Sanctuary in Tiruvannamalai in India are doing. The theme of this workshop is Connecting, and we will run this theme through the mediation, pranayama, asana’s and savasana. During this 3 hour long workshop and practice we will explore Connecting from all different angles and views while we are also connecting to the greater good while supporting Arunachala Animal Sanctuary. At the start of the workshop as well as during the break I will tell you more about the beautiful work these dedicated souls are doing for the animals they rescue. If you are unable to attend the workshop but would still like to donate something to Arunachala Animal Sanctuary, that is of course possible!