Month: April 2013

News: Workshop Re energizing foods

After the success of the first two workshops under the flag of “Yummy, fun and healthy living”, which were titled “yummy, energizing & healthy snacks” and “easy, healthy lunches for all occasions and situations” , it is now time to enter the “spring clean” under the theme Re energizing foods. This time of the year we usually feel sluggish, tired, even worn out . Which is why in this workshop we will focus on cooking, tasting and learning loads about foods which removes that very sluggishness from our whole system – from the body, the brain and the mind. These are the same foods that will give you your energy back and re build your stamina so that you can greet that summer full of energy, and make sure that energy lasts into the rest of the year too. Plus, as usual in these workshops, you will get your own booklet with all the reciepes and all the nutritional knowledge collected during the workshop – and there is also the “goodie-bag”. And, did I forget …

News: Yoga Workshop for Charity, Arunachala Animal Sanctuary

Sunday May 5th, 10.00 – 13.00 @ Yogastudio Haarlem, 25 :- we are happy to announce the first of more to come Yoga Workshops where all the proceeds go to support the work the dedicated staff at Arunachala Animal Sanctuary in Tiruvannamalai in India are doing. The theme of this workshop is Connecting, and we will run this theme through the mediation, pranayama, asana’s and savasana. During this 3 hour long workshop and practice we will explore Connecting from all different angles and views while we are also connecting to the greater good while supporting Arunachala Animal Sanctuary. At the start of the workshop as well as during the break I will tell you more about the beautiful work these dedicated souls are doing for the animals they rescue. If you are unable to attend the workshop but would still like to donate something to Arunachala Animal Sanctuary, that is of course possible!

Chick pea poppers

Here’s a quick, easy and healthy recipe for a savory snack. One of my absolute favourites! Drain and rinse canned chick peas, or soak dried chick peas or soy beans over night and then boil them and let them dry. Whichever version you use, make sure you let your chick peas or soy beans dry out for at least 15 minutes. Roll them in olive oil, sea salt and your favorite dried herbs (I used a mix of “pizza herbs” last time, which included Herbs de Provence and it was yummy.For the soy beans you can also try to spice them up with cayenne pepper, wasabi or other peppers as well – don’t be afraid to be adventerous!). Put them on baking sheet high in the oven on 220 degrees centigrade and let them roast for about 10 – 20 minutes, keep stirring them every 3 -4 minutes to make sure they are evenly roasted. You can keep the poppers in an airtight container and save for later enjoyment or enjoy immediately!


Bonds formed in the heart are not always of the heart. We might think we created them in our heads, for whatever “use” or “commercial” reason, and when this “use” has run its course we break this bond from the head, only to realize it is stuck in the heart. It might be a thorn, or a full rose. It might be just a few petals, or the roots, or the stem. But it stays. These bonds nestle themselves in, growing their vines and leaves around our whole inner world, inner life, inner body. Around our organs, our existence, our inner being. Like a hug, and sometimes like a choke. Just like in the Indian legend where you are taught that it takes a thorn to remove a thorn it only takes one rose to grow a whole rosebush. Where every year the flowers are getting larger, the petals stronger, the stems sturdier and the reach is higher and higher towards the bright shining sun. As fall comes and the roses shrink in for their …

Coffee scrub galore

Some years ago a friend of mine shared this tip for a homemade body scrub, which I have been using ever since. While scrubbing this morning it hit me that this should really be shared with the rest of you as well! It is easy to make, works wonders for your skin leaving it smooth, soft and shining and it costs zilch! There are no set amounts of the ingredients, just play around till you find the consistency that works best for you. Just take the coffee grounds left over from your morning coffee, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice and liquid honey. Stir, and go scrub! Your shower may look a bit messy afterwards, but it’s well worth it :-)! Now, go shine!

News: Yoga workshop, Spring Flow , April 21st

Vijnana Yoga Haarlem proudly presents its first co-creative workshop under the name Spring Flow. You will be guided through a flow of different asana’s by one teacher and simultanously you will have two other teachers at your service assisting the workshop. The three Internationally Certificed Vijnana Yoga Teachers are each guiding you through a part of the workshop -that way you get to experience one style of Yoga, Vijnana, with three different personal approaches. This workshop will be given by Jolanda Schoenmaker, Lisette Erdtsieck and Cecilia Gotherstrom. The main ingredigent of this yoga workshop is the personal attention for you and your asana’s! Sign up via or

Yummy and healthy orange, raspberry and more smoothie

Once again the desk is full, the inbox jam packed and the day only contains that many hours…. Time for a quick and healthy snack that I can devour while typing away! Here is one of my favorites, it only takes a few minutes to prepare (and that is without having a juicer, just an old fashioned citrus fruit press that you use by hand and which can only do half an orange at a time before you have to tip the content over into the mixer). I got it out of a Swedish Fitness Magazine some years ago: 2 freshly squeezed oranges 1 dl frozen raspberries 1 dl frozen mango 10 cm cucumber, peeled 1 banana   Put it all in the mixer. Swish! Done! Enjoy!

New: Monthly Yoga Nidra Lessons @ Yogastudio Haarlem

As of Friday, April the 5th, I will be teaching a monthly Yoga Nidra lesson at Yogastudio Haarlem – the first Friday of every month, at 20.00. Yoga Nidra means Deep Yogic Sleep and even though it sounds like we’ll be sleeping we won’t :-). Yoga Nidra is a guided practice which brings us to a state of concious deep sleep, a place where we can experience the most profound relaxation, where we can aid things like blood pressure issues, insomnia etc even though these are just the nice “side effects” of the practice. Yoga Nidra has been practiced by yogis for centuries as a way , next to meditation, to get to the place where we can clean out the samskara’s – our “mental patterns and clutter” to describe it briefly- to aid us to get to that place of “empty mind”, the place where “the seer abides in its own form”. For a more detailed information on this traditional practice, please, follow this link: Looking forward to seeing you in class, whether …